Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Geographical inspiration

When I was younger I was lucky enough to travel each summer to some of the most beautiful national parks in the western United States. I traveled by bus. With about fifty relatives. And my great-uncle Joe was the bus driver. But that's a story for another time. Anyway, clearly all of the amazing landscapes captured my imagination, because they keep popping up in my book:

 The geothermal features of Yellowstone National Park appear in the Silvermarsh Province in Abernwyth. 

The beautiful rock structures of Arches National Park appear as the Archlands in the northern desert province.

And Canyonlands National Park becomes home to an isolated clan of ninja-faeries.

So, what about you—does travel inspire you? Do you get your fictional settings from real places, or places you make up in your head, or both?


  1. For me, every place inspires me, but travel especially. Soon I'm going to Australia so I hope to get some rockin' ideas!
    BTW your blog is cool!

  2. Thanks :)

    I've always wanted to go to Australia. The landscapes there are amazing! Plus, I totally want to go to Australia Zoo and see the Crocoseum.
