Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What fuels your imagination?

I've always been a multiple book reader. I can never read just one at a time, and usually have about four on the go at any time. I think this has to do with my imagination having always been extremely overactive. The way I look at it, your imagination needs fuel to keep it going. People who don't use their imaginations much don't need to read much because their imaginations lead a sedentary lifestyle. But writers and other creative people need to feed their imaginations A LOT—whether with art, music, books, etc.—because these imaginations are like marathon runners; they are super active, they never stop, and they need fuel constantly.

To continue with this analogy, I think that overactive imaginations need healthy foods in order to grow and develop—good nutritious novels or nonfiction books rather than tabloids; nutrient-packed plays rather than soap operas; and fresh, organic music rather than vacuum-packed, prepackaged pop songs.

To this end, I've cut down dramatically on television in the past couple of years. I think that the old saying that the tube rots your mind may have some truth to it; most of what's on can certainly deaden your imagination, and I believe that the barrage of advertisements are especially unhealthy for your brain.

That's not to say that watching the occasional silly show or listening to a throw-away pop song once in a while will do you any damage; just as an infrequent ice cream sundae won't ruin an otherwise healthy diet. After all, we all crave mindless entertainment sometimes, especially after a hard day of school or work. However, just as we are conscious of what we are putting into our bodies, we should be aware of what we are feeding our minds. Especially for creative people, since our minds are the source of our work and the focus of our lives.

So, what about you? What have you been feeding your brain lately?


  1. I just finished Stephen Hawking's newest book. I'm not sure if that fed my brain, or melted it, however.

  2. Haha. I always think reading books by super smart people will make me smarter, but I usually just end up more aware of my own ignorance. Which maybe is a good thing? Socrates would approve, I guess :)
