Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Au revoir

So, I'm going to be taking a little blogging break (and a little writing break) for the next three weeks or so, because I'm flying to California tomorrow for my wedding! I will miss you all, but will hopefully be checking in a few times over the course of our vacation, just to remind you that I still exist.

I'll leave you with this amazing poem I discovered a few weeks back when an old high school classmate posted it on facebook. I know it's an odd choice considering that I'm getting married in a week and a half, but I think it's got some beautiful and true things to say about being alone:

Happy writing, and I'll see you in a few weeks!


  1. Congratulations! Hope your wedding is lovely! <3

  2. Aw, thank you! We are just getting over the jet-lag, so hopefully we will be awake for the big day :}
