Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Just a short update to say: the first draft of Dyllan and Abigail is almost done! At this point I think we're 10,000 words or fewer from the end. Yay home stretch! I'm hoping to finish in the next two weeks. The book needs a lot of work, but on the plus side I have a pretty good idea of what needs to change and how to tighten up the plot. I can't wait to get out my plotting notebook and highlighters.

Current total word count: 111,325

Random quote:
For a moment Davy’s head spun. The other side. That’s what people called the afterlife, wasn’t it? He had the horrible thought that he was about to die, and his brain was coping by coming up with this elaborate fantasy. Tears welled in his eyes. Maybe the next world wouldn’t be as strange and frightening as this one.
How is your writing/reading week going? Let me know in the comments!

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