Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Relocation, relocation

Well, we've arrived in our new home in San Diego after a lot of stress, too many hours on too many planes, and a three-week separation due to visa issues. But now we're happy and suntanned and enjoying lots of great vegetarian food, so all is well.

Mission Beach, San Diego, CA
I've been kept very busy revisiting my hometown like a tourist: the beaches, the bay, the harbor, Coronado Island, the aquarium, the zoo, SeaWorld, a Padres game—I'm doing as much sight-seeing as I did when I lived in England, if not more (probably more, since I'm now unemployed). A lot of that has been with my sisters and my four-year-old niece and six-month-old nephew. After five years of living 6,000 miles away from my family, it's nice to be able to see them on a daily basis. That includes, of course, my ancient and honorable cat, Timmy, pictured here with his summer hairdo:

Today I rejoined my local library, which was a total blast from the past—I used to spend hours there when I was small, picking out picture books, and later chapter books, books about animals, Sweet Valley Twins, everything by Cynthia Voigt, and on into science fiction (middle school was all about Michael Crichton for me), fantasy, horror, and classics. Walking into that library was like revisiting my entire reading history. It was pretty cool.

In all of this, writing has taken a backseat for me for the first time since 2007. I didn't write a word of fiction for over three weeks (just my personal journal). First it was jet-lag, and then spending time with family and friends, applying for jobs, researching phone companies and banks...somewhere in there, writing got lost.

Yesterday I opened my current WIP for the first time since the move. It felt awesome getting back into a writing rhythm, like scratching an itch or eating your favorite food for the first time in years. It felt right.

So basically this is just a post to let you know that I'm still here, still writing, and still blogging for the foreseeable future. And that I'm so glad to be back. :)

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