Friday, September 30, 2011

In which I bestow blog awards

So, Sarah over at Squidink was kind enough to give me these two lovely blog awards! (Well, technically speaking, "One Lovely Blog Award" and one "The Versatile Blogger" award.) Aren't they pretty? Thank you, Sarah!

As the rules state, I must now share seven random facts about myself:

1) I once volunteered at a zoo, working with reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. There were a lot of awesome parts to it—I once got to play with a baby Channel Island fox, and I got to help feed the penguins, and I got to distract the American alligator so that my zookeeper could go into her enclosure without getting eaten. I also got to carry snakes around in pillow cases. The only thing I didn't like was cleaning out the giant hissing cockroaches. Shudder.

2) I love iced coffee. Especially a really well-made iced mocha. Nectar of the gods, that is.

3) I'm a vegetarian! Yay!

 4) My favorite animals are cats, elephants, squirrels, whales, and of course the great apes.

 5) One of my grammatical pet peeves is when people use personal pronouns when referring to professional sports teams. If you're actually on the team, go ahead and use "we." But I find it really annoying when people say things like "we beat the Raiders." No you didn't. A group of professional athletes, who have nothing to do with you, beat the Raiders. Also, historical events: "We beat the British in the revolution." You weren't involved; stop trying to claim credit.

6) I'm from California, but I've now lived in more cities in the UK than I have in the USA.

7) I'm a feminist and proud :D

And now it's my turn to pass on the love! I hereby bestow these blog awards on the following individuals:

  • Jeff at JRussell Teacher Blog, because he's an awesome teacher of an awesome subject (English, of course!).

So, there you go! Feel free to pass on or ignore these awards as you see fit.


  1. I WILL be honoring the award that you have bestowed upon me so graciously. It will encourage me to get out from under my blogging rock. I guess that can go along with the awesome teaching.

    I loved #5 - way more interesting than the pet peeves I develop with 11-13 year old. Homonyms/homophones just don't interest me anymore...
