Thursday, February 2, 2012

More blog awards!

So, I have once again had the honor of being nominated for some pretty nifty blog awards, compliments of my super cool Blogger/Twitter pal, Sarah from Squidink (actually she's from Idaho, but her blog is Squidink. Incidentally it's a good blog and you should check it out.) Ahem. So, thank you, Sarah!

Now, as per the rules, ten random facts about me:

1) My sophomore year of college I lived across the street from a super loud, super obnoxious frat house. My friend Adam bought a water balloon launcher, and he and my best friend Audrey and I hid behind cars in the parking lot of my building and launched water balloons into the frat's back yard when they were having loud, obnoxious parties. Immature? Yes. But also hilarious.

2) I was in marching band in high school. Alto sax FTW!

3) I also participated in two sports and I was terrible at both.

4) The first time I ever saw falling snow was Thanksgiving Day in Norwich, England, during my junior year abroad. It was one of the most magical moments ever!

5) One of my favorite cities ever is London, and I'm lucky enough to live just a short train ride away from it. I love how so much history and culture is jammed into such a small area in central London. I love exploring the museums, parks, galleries, shops, and cafés. I love the British Library, the Tower of London, Foyles book shop, Hampstead Heath, and London Zoo. Love!

6) I work in a college library. College in the UK is like 11th and 12th grades in the US. So I work with a lot of British teenagers.

7) Big Chimp and I really like pub quizzes, which are what they sound like: you get a team together and take a general knowledge quiz in a pub. If your team gets the highest score, you win a prize. The one we like to go to gives away free chips (fries) at half-time. Mmmm, chips.

8) We also like quiz shows on TV. Our favorites are Eggheads and University Challenge.

9) Aside from the aforementioned quiz shows, I don't really watch TV. This is partly because advertising is unspeakably evil, but also because there isn't much on that's worth watching. Exceptions are Dr Who and Sherlock. And Downton Abbey is my guilty pleasure :)

10) I just learned how to crochet, and I'm getting ready to attempt my first scarf. I just need to buy some more yarn for it.

And for the next part of the rules, I shall pass on these blog award nominations. Mainly to the same people I nominated last time, because they're still awesome:

1) Audrey at ChiquePeek—Style Scrapbook, because she's my very fashionable and awesome best friend/maid of honor.

2) Jeff at JRussellTeacher, because he continues to fight the good fight against bad grammar.

3) Susan at Harry Potter for Writers, because it's an amazing blog, especially for YA fantasy writers and Harry Potter fans.

4) Lora at The Scribotarian, because all of her posts are interesting and insightful.

So, there you have it! Please feel free to pass on or ignore these awards as you see fit.


  1. Thank you for the award! I'm definitely going to check out the three other recipients.

    Now, I really don't enjoy reading things with bad grammar/spelling, but that's really not my main fight. I'm fighting against an antiquated, industrialized model of education that no longer fits in 2012.

    1. I know, my friend. It just didn't flow as well as "fighting the good fight against bad grammar." Stick it to the man!

  2. Jessie, thanks so much for this! That's so sweet of you.

    I loved learning more about you, especially that we share the alto sax in common. I played in the marching band in high school, too! Also, I feel quite the same about TV as you do, and only recently discovered Downtown Abbey. :-)
