Monday, February 4, 2013

A February post

How is everyone's 2013 reading going? It's already February and I've only finished two books! Although I'm nearing the end of Justin Cronin's The Twelve, which is a long and crazy journey through post-zombie-psychic-vampire-virus-apocalypse America. Sticking to my resolution to branch out in my reading, I'm also making my way through an illustrated collection of Rumi's poetry, and today at the library I picked up a book on West African history and one on pre-Columbus American history—enough to keep me busy for a little while, at least.

Libraries—I practically live in them these days; I go to one in the morning before work, and sometimes again after work. On our drive home, Big Chimp and I will often stop in at our local branch to browse or pick up reservations. I started a new job in November as a one-on-one aide for a child with special needs—and often when my student needs to take a break from school work, we'll walk down to the library and explore the books and DVDs. I really think I was meant to be a librarian.

Oh, writing. My writing time has been taken up entirely by editing; I'm finally doing some serious work on the novel I finished last summer—reading through and taking notes on changes I want to make. It's now been so long since I wrote the book that sections of it seem new to me, as if someone else wrote them. This is both strange and exciting; I believe it allows me to judge the story more as a reader, which is a whole lot more helpful than judging it as the person who wrote it.

And—nothing whatsoever to do with writing or reading—my half marathon is looming now, disturbing my sleep and filling my dreams with phantom injuries, turning my thoughts to stitches and stretches and running playlists and hydration and shot blocks. I am, to say the least, apprehensive. In a couple of weeks it will all be over. I hope my legs survive.

What's everyone else up to this winter?

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