Thursday, October 21, 2010

NaNoWriMo writing madness

So, it's that time of year again—NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is fast approaching! Is anyone participating this year? I haven't participated before, but I think it's such a great idea. Sometimes we get so hung up on editing and following writing rules that it's hard to just GET THE WORDS OUT. Which is really what a first draft should be about—locking away your inner editor and just letting the words flow. And that's what's great about NaNoWriMo: 50,000 words in one month leaves no time for editing, fixing, or tweaking. It's a chance to let the creative right hemisphere of your brain to rule unhindered for 30 days. Then in the months following, you can edit to your heart's content.

For young writers (under 17), there is even a special Young Writers Program, where you can set your own word-count goal.

I seriously considered taking part this year, but I'm so close to the end of my draft of Water Magic that I think I'll use the month of November to just finish the book. I've got about 20,000 words to go, so it should be doable.

Have any of you participated in NaNoWriMo in past years? What was the experience like? Or, are any of you brave souls considering taking part for the first time this year?


  1. This'll be my first year, and it's set to finish off my WIP, and then some :)

  2. Good luck! Keep us updated on how you're getting on.

  3. I have never participated, or heard of it before this. However, I am going to put it out there to my students. Some of them just won't stop writing, even when I need them to. It's hard to tell them that we need to put it away and move on to the next thing, but that's teaching, right? I will keep you posted if any of them participate.
